Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Download mp3 33.6mb 29:23

A series of collage/cutup mixes and sampled audio on the subject of downloading free music, piracey, sampiling, culture jamming, copyright and the internet.

- South Park\PDR intro, downld criminals
- Negativland - Downld from the "NO BUSINESS" CD

- Letigre - Get off The Internet!(edited for time) From the desk of Mr. Lady, Ep 2001

- Droplift Project(OTE) - Recycled Flashback

- South park - download criminals(sample edit)

- Stop Children - To the Fullest Extension of the LawThe Droplift Project CD

- Chumbawumba - Mp3 Pass it Along(short edited w/Lars ulrich)

- Animals Within Animals - The RIAA Dosent ant you to Hear this Music

- Pirates of The Internet - Pirates Theme

PLEASE SEND AUDIO for Future Programs cd's, vynyl, mp3, whatever:
PDR Pob 7507
Santa Cruz Ca. 95061
Email Mp3's
Please feel FREE to copy and distribute!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brilliant, Symphonic auditory collage. Best I've ever heard.