Wednesday, January 17, 2007

What Is A Mashup?

Download Mp3 160kb (9.1) 7:57 Stereo

According to Wikkipedia a Mashup is:
Mashup, bastard pop, or bootleg, is a musical genre ahich, in it's purest form, consists of the
combination (usually by digital means) of music from one song with the cappella from another.
Typically, the music epiphanies that add up to considerably more than the sum of their parts.

The Mashup artists in this mix include:
People like us, Sue Teller, Go Home Productions, Voicedude, Arty Fufkin, Dangerous Orange
DJ Z Trip, Miss Frenchie, Aggro 1, Bobby Martini, Deaf In The Family, The ECC, Dummy Run
Team 9.

For the latest Mashups and links to artists check out Mashuptown

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