Today marks five years since the beginning of the illegal preemptive attack, occupation and now quagmire of Iraq. According to Iraq body count as of this posting 82,249 - 89,760 civilian deaths have been documented and 3992 U.S. Soldiers have been killed according to Iraq casualty count.
Over the weekend the Winter Soldier Hearings took place in Washington D.C. except for KPFA Radio there was an almost complete mainstream media blackout of the event. Hundreds of active and non-active duty U.S. Soldiers took part in telling their stories of atrocity's and horrors of the Iraq war and military life, It was divided into seven panels which you can listen to all linked here:
> Rules of engagement pt1, pt2,
> The crisis in veterans health care,
> Corporate pillaging and military contractors,
> Gender and sexuality in the military,
> Racism and war: Dehumanizing the enemy pt1, pt2,
> Breakdown of the military
> G.I. Resistance.
Many times it was extremely hard and depressing to listen to but it needs to be heard and soldiers need to be heard just like the Vietnam vets did, their was also video testimonials from Iraqi's.
This week Democracy Now! is showing video of the event Also Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAC) video coverage and also check out War Comes Home.org
Here's a PoP dEFECT first ever release of war mixes I have produced over the last five years all together and available here for free download .rar file at Mediafire please download listen and distribute.
Download The War Mixes Vol1
Track listing:
1- No War D.C.
Music by Saul Willams Pacifica news audio from antiwar protestsof 2003 in D.C. leading up to the current war occupation of Iraq.
2- My War Mix
Music by Black Flag news media from the day of bombing Iraq March 19th 2003.
3- Oil Pigs
Music by Black Sabbath "War Pigs" Jello Biafra 1992 Gulf War1 famous rant "Die For Oil Sucker" also various Iraqi war audio.
4- SUV Love
Dana Lyons "Lube the Red White and Blue" Various news media clips on SUV's.
5- GW Emergency
Delta 9 "War" Bush rant on total war.
6- Iraqilib
Unknown Music, Bush, Rumsfeld, Iraqi woman very angrly describes aftermath of U.S. bombings.
7- Great Wall Of Israel
Pink Floyd "Another Brick In The Wall"
Kristen Ess reporting from Palestine about the separation wall and abuse of Israelie soldiers.
8- Iraqi Abuse
Guns And Roses "Civil War" Sara Thompson - "Is it for Freedom" Bush, Rumsfeld, Jermey Skahill, William Rivers Pitt, Janice Karpensky, various media audio.
9- Die 4 Oil
Music Rage Against The Machine "Veitnow" Jello Biafra's updated Iraqi war 2.0 version of "Die For Oil Sucker" various media audio antiwar protests "No War"!
10- Johnny Got His War
Libach "You're in the Army Now" Clips from film "Johnny Got His Gun", Bush, various war audio.
11- Three Year War
Zack De La Rocha " March Of Death" Scott Ritter, Bush, Iraqi Woman.
12- Thou Shalt Not War
Funkadelic "Maggot Brain"
Edited speech by Chris Hedges
13- Missile Defense
Old Duck and Cover PSA
Edited speech from Dr. Helen Caldicott "We Are Under Nuclear Attack" describes what would happen if a Nuclear bomb hit Santa Cruz California.
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اهداف الدوري الأسباني
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اهداف الدوري الالماني
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