Media audio mix of the tragic and sensless death of of Wal-Mart temporary employee Jdimytai Damour at the Valley Stream Wal-Mart on Long Island. he was trampled to death while shoppers stormed the store early Friday morning Nov 28, 2008 I can say that things like this that happen during a so called "Time of Giving" make me NOT proud to be an American this sickens me that people would kill to save a few bucks. Wal-Mart should take responsibility as should the customers.
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About 2000 bargain hunters lined up at the Valley Stream Wal-Mart on Long Island in the wee hours Friday morning. They started pushing, busted the doors open a few minutes early, and trampled Mr. Damour to death. The sale-crazed shoppers put four other people in the hospital, including a pregnant woman. The rushing crowd also pushed aside workers who tried to assist Damour and others. Minutes later, when the store announced everyone had to leave due to the death and injuries, shoppers complained that they had been in line since Thursday morning and kept shopping.
Music by David Bowie & Nine Inch Nails
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